Jul 30, 2009

Here it comes !!!

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its already been like , em lets see now , 8~9 year since we had a new car and since we all grow up , its time we need a bigger car .. so here it is , finally arrived 2~3 weeks after we ordered it. well , this was not the car I hope for . Its like been driving national car since I started driving , I wanted something non-national but they bought this , what can i do .

This is not a bad one , but I can say its the best one they ever given .This car got what u ever need for a malaysian but just that it lacks of the umhm!!! .. at the start but after 1st gear its the other way around . it easily gets up till 120+ which just felt like 80/90+ :) the best of all the sound proof . well I give it a 7.5/10 rating . but it sure looks good if give it a makeup like bodykit + inch up rims.

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You can guess what car I'm talking about rite ... dun act dumb .

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Jul 16, 2009


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sry for the lack of updates .... stay tune for more :)